This is a truly amazing world-wide competition with children from all parts of the globe competing against each other in a series of graded mental maths challenges.
Everybody had great fun throughout the day and there were some great results from many of our pupils.
If you look carefully you can even see Mr Allan, School Director, having a go!
The day was made possible by the re-launch of our Computer Suite which handled the work load really well.
Our thanks go to Mrs Letchford who organised and set up the whole day.
Special congratulations go to the following pupils:
Name (Year) Number of correct answers
Kirill (Y9) 7210
Ahmar (Y4) 4782
Maksim (Y5) 4023
Alex (Y4) 2911
Daniil (y7) 1328
Faye (Y4) 1043
Maite (Y7) 827
Lucas (Y1) 806
Dylan (Y8) 747
German (Y10) 695
And finally... A quote from the World Maths Day Site. "World Maths Day is all over! Congratulations on a new World Record! 1,133,246 students and 56,082 schools from 235 countries have united to set a new world record by correctly answering 479,732,613 questions."