The variety of materials used to create their work, produced some amazing results which are shown throughout this page.......fantastic images, we hope you agree!!

Educating For Life
During this term, Mr Westcott's Lower Secondary group in History and Geography, has been working on such topics as The Romans, The Middle Ages, Volcanoes, Earthquakes and map reading skills. As part of their work the group has been encouraged to undertake projects to emphasise what they have learnt.
With the support of Mrs Byles, a student teacher with us at the moment, they have just completed a project on building a viking longboat, which also brought in teamwork skills, drawing to scale, and art and craft studies....The results were amazing, top left shows one of the boats that was completed. Top right is a picture of the other boat completed. Both very impressive......left are one of the groups who completed one of the boats, Marcelo,Ahmar, Sofia, Charlie and Amelia.
All the group together with Mrs Byles, who helped them through this project....well done all!