Friday, January 20, 2012

'make do and mend' with upper primary....

Mrs Letchford's upper primary group are currently looking at life just after the second world war. Those of a certain age might remember the Governments 'make do and mend' campaign, which was designed to encourage women to do such things as unpick knitted jumpers and reuse the wool, plus alter and mend clothes. The government at the time issued posters such as the examples shown left and above.......

The upper primary group were then encouraged to try the skills of embroidery and knitting, skills which for today's generation are completely unknown. The following photos show many pupils having a try at these skills, to get a feel of life was like during this time.....

It's difficult this knitting lark!!!!

Sue helping out......Sue was one of the few staff at the school who remembers how to knit!!!

This was fantastic experience for these young pupils , where activities like these give pupils a feel of what life was like in these ' history in action' activities.........Look out parents, your next birthday or next Christmas present could be a garment made by your child!!