Their first stop was at the Tossal de Manises, the site of the Roman City of Lucentum, which today, we all know as Alicante City. Archaeologists are still at work on the site, excavating ancient ruins. One of the main points of interest of this part of the excursion was to look at a part of the original floor mosaic, which is situated near the observation point.
The group moved on to the Parque de Palmeras, where they enjoyed some free time and their snack lunches, before going on to Alicante City.
The main purpose of the excursion was to visit MARQ~the Museo Arqueologico de Alicante, where The Body Beautiful exhibition is being held. This excellent display of ancient Greek sculptures is a result of collaboration between The British Museum in London and the MARQ.
The Exhibition, which has been running since April, was opened by Her Majesty Queen Sophia of Spain. The high light for all of the pupils was the remarkable Discobolus, or the Discus- thrower. This sculpture is famous the world over, and the one on show in Alicante is a Roman copy that was found in Emperor Hadrian's villa in Tivoli, Italy.
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